Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stuck in a Rut

I, dear blogging friends (all 6 of you!), am stuck in a RUT!!! Oh the horror! I do not like being stuck in a rut. I much prefer being excited, doing new things, having tons of fun, laughing lots and just going with the flow. Lately though I've just felt, well, stuck, bored, tired, glum, certainly not myself! Instead of plopping down in my rut and hosting a pity party for one, I've started a list of things to do that may or may not pull me out of my slump. I'm going to shoot for accomplishing ten things off my list in April. If those things don't work, then I'll try ten new things in May. If things don't work out by May??? Well then I just may be hosting that pity party I was talking about! I will make every effort to blog about my list of ten things to do in April as well so you can see what I'm up to! So here's the BIG list for April...not necessarily in this order!

1. Fix my hair and apply make-up EVERYDAY...I know it seems shallow, but sometimes when you look better, you just feel better!

2. Take a new class...I've got five that I'm trying to decide between for the Spring Session at the Dickinson Lifelong Learning center...

3. Get a plant for my desk at work...I used to have a really cool one and it died. It's been bothering me ever since!

4. Re-design my BLOG will give it a fresh look AND I'll learn a new skill!

5. Do some re-decorating around the house...I think I'll start with our's really BORING and has always bothered me! I need to add some welcoming details...

6. Keep FRESH FLOWERS around the house...this always makes me feel better...especially Spring flowers...they are so FRIENDLY!

7. Propagate my plant...sounds crazy I know, but if you saw this plant (which you will when I blog about it) you would understand.

8. Buy a lottery ticket...It's something I've always wanted to do, but have never done...who knows?

9. Take some pictures...I have a digital camera from and Uncle of mine that passed away almost 2 years ago and I keep meaning to take it to the Dark Room to figure out what I've got and what I need and how to use it...I think this would be a great time to do it!

10. Buy some new headbands...saw some REALLY CUTE ones at Claire's that I've been thinking about for nearly a week now...must mean something!

...I think it's already working...I was planning on posting this on April 1st, but I'm just so excited to get started that I'm posting TODAY so I can get going!!!

1 comment:

  1. this is so cute! I love that you have these goals. I want to do something like this too. I love that you have simple things like putting on make-up and fixing your hair every day. I know how much better that makes me feel! Anyway, thanks for te inspiration.
