Thursday, March 25, 2010

A little Splurge!

Certainly my FAVORITE part of going to Portland is spending time with my family and seeing my niece and nephew. However, another FAVORITE thing of mine is the shopping!!! For the most part Greg and I stay within a pretty tight budget and don't do a lot of splurging...BUT in Portland all bets are off! Although, with the exception of one purchase at the MAC counter I got EVERYTHING else on a GREAT DEAL...thought I would share them with you!
New MAC eye shadows...they're really hard to see in the pics :0(
The green one is kind of olive green on one half and then a really pretty irredecent green on the other 1/2...the pink one is infused w/gold crystals so it's really sparkly! You don't often find a deal at the MAC counter, but 5 empty containers gets you a free lip gloss so that they can recycle and they do a ton for AIDS awareness and domestic violence prevention!
Ahhh...totally refreshing and wonderful Sweet Lemon Shower Gel from the Body Shop...what's more, they were buy one get on 1/2 off! Plus I bought some chap stick which donated all proceeds to domestic violence prevention. Body Shop also does a ton of work with underdeveloped countries to develop their economies and they never test on critters!
Black LEVI's sweatshirt @ 75% off...cute and SO COMFY!!! It feels better than some sweatshirts that I have worked YEARS to break in! I LOVE the simple details too...just enough to have some fun, but not too over the top.
This shirt was a SCREAMING deal (under 10$) at NordstromRack...It's much cuter on! Wore it to work on Monday all ready...I can never wait to wear my new digs!
Also a STEAL from NordstromRack...Born shoes for 40$...normally would be well over $100 in a normal store. What's better, they are EXCELLENT for my bad knees...Dr. Schutte would be so proud!
Great spring shorts @ the Bass Outlet...everything was 50% off with an extra 20% on top of that! Bring on the SUNSHINE!!!
Another 50% + 20% off at Bass Outlet...I have really started to enjoy using scarves as an accessory so it's so nice to get to build the inventory at a great price!
And my FAVORITE purchase...a set of napkin rings from NordstromRack for 1$!!! How ADORABLE are these!!! I cannot wait for a romantic dinner with Greg or next Valentine's day to bust these puppies out!

That sums it up...and I'm sure once my fabulous husband reads this blog that will be the end of my splurging for a LONG TIME!!!

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