Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Summer?

I have been a BAD, LAZY, INCONSISTENT blogger.  BUT, I have a good excuse...Since the middle of May I have been traveling back and forth to Billings for work.  It is exhausting, but I'm making good money doing it.  I strongly dislike being away from my husband and my parents and my friends, but it is part of my job.  I often have to leave on a Sunday so that I am there on Monday morning to open the store.  I often don't get home until LATE on Friday nights because someone has to close the office.  Already I find myself at the END of JUNE, wondering where has my Summer gone?  I am actually writing this blog a mere 10 minutes before I have to put the suitcase in the trunk and leave for Billings for a two week stretch.  I have lots of blogs to recipes, a picture of my first Lotto Ticket purchase, pictures from our Annual Mother's Day weekend, pictures from Father's Day at the Bison Range, etc, etc, etc.  For now those blogs will have to wait, because all I want to do when I am home is hang out with my family and get a little refreshed before it is time to leave again.  So, please, stay tuned...I swear there will be some new blogs with substance soon!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should blog from your hotel!! I feel so bad for you. That must get so boring and lonely at times in Billings. Hang in there!
